5 Hacks for Happy Campers

With all of the digital distractions bombarding your family every day, it can sometimes be hard to break through all of the noise and connect with your kids. Camping is a great way to bond as a family, especially if you choose an area with poor cell phone service. Your kids might object at first (especially the Instagram-obsessed older ones) but that sentiment will soon pass when they see how much fun camping can actually be. Below you'll find five camping hacks to try out on your next family vacation. 1. Hook your toiletries around a lanyard for a fuss-free hike to the shower.Pinspired by Year Zero Surivival.

2. Prepare a S'mores tray before you leave home and avoid having to clean up messy wrappers at the camp site. Pinspired by Clean and Scentsible.

3. Craft a hand washing station to give little ones a place to tidy up before snacking. Pinspired by Freada Smith. 

4. The kids will have a blast "bowling" with glow stick water bottles! Pinspired by Ninja Barbie.

 5. Before you leave the house, make your own "fire starters" using recycled toilet paper rolls, dryer lint, and newspaper. Pinspired by Kristen Ford.