And the Winner of the Sugarfoots Peppermint Girls Giveaway Is....

Leanna, Founder of All Done Monkey

Leanna is a stay at home mother to a sweet, funny, rambunctious four year old boy and his adorable, smiley baby brother.  She draws inspiration from the Writings of the Bahá’í Faith and tries to raise her monkeys in a fun, spiritual, loving environment.  She and her husband, who is from Costa Rica, are raising their boys to be bilingual and bicultural but more importantly to be “world citizens.”

Her blog, All Done Monkey is dedicated to helping others embrace the magic in the madness of motherhood and is dedicated to sharing this journey with you! Leanna is also the co-founder of Bahá’í Mom Blogs and founder of Multicultural Kid Blogs.

Enter to Win Your Very Own Sugarfoots "Peppermint" Doll This Holiday Season!

Leanna won the Sugarfoots Peppermint Girls Doll Giveaway and will get to take home one of these holiday cuties! A special thank you to everyone that participated in the contest--we hope you'll keep Sugarfootin' with us as we skip joyfully into 2014.